+971 4 395 55 91
Villa 467B Beach Road,
Jumeirah 3, Dubai, UAE

Personalized Medicine

DLS is an advanced medical clinic in Dubai which deals with a field of clinical endeavor that aims to prevent and cure age-related biomarkers. It is now supported by thorough research and study that we can start offering bio-identical hormone replacement therapy before the hormone level declines to complement the body's needs. Our aim is to help our patient age for a better and longer living through healthy lifestyle.

We follow a scientific and evidence-based approach geared towards prolonging the lifespan of an individual. It is a way of preventing age-related dysfunctions and diseases, also a framework for promoting a healthy living.

We exercise a personalized medicine approach by tailoring health care of each individual and customized treatment strategy based on specific signs and symptoms.

In this field of medicine, DLS offers the HOLISTIC APPROACH to treat not just the presenting symptoms but the individual as a whole. A list of complaints and general signs and symptoms is handed to patient which helps as a tool guide, to rate various severities they encounter. We will perform a head to foot assessment. Certain tests will be made for the blood, urine, salivary and stool.

We will explain why these tests will be done, then patient will need to come for the discussion of results. Upon the review of the results, we can check what is missing in the body and replace it with herbal supplements, vitamins, bio-identical hormones and medications. We will explain each medication and advise patient on diet, lifestyle changes and work-out.

In order to have a very satisfactory and desirable result, COMPLIANCE AND COMMITMENT to the treatment regimen are essential. In our experience, the patients who have undergone the treatment are now feeling young, better and less sick.